Helping to make passive building mainstream
The PHIUS+ Certification Program is helping to make passive building mainstream. It is the only passive building certification that combines a thorough passive house design verification protocol with a stringent Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program performed onsite by highly skilled and specialized PHIUS+ Raters and Verifiers.
The PHIUS+2015 Passive Building Standard released by Passive House Institute US (PHIUS) in 2015 is the only passive building standard on the market based upon climate-specific comfort and performance criteria. Buildings designed and built to this standard perform 60-85% better (depending on climate zone and building type) on an energy consumption basis when compared to a code compliant building (International Energy Conservation Code IECC 2009).
Southern Energy Management provides Passive House Rater services that will support your design and project teams in meeting the stringent requirements of Passive House.
We’re happy to help find the program that’s right for you!
North Carolina’s solar power and building performance expert. Founded in 2001, we’ve worked for 20+ years to improve the way people make and use energy.