We help you save energy and money so you can break free from the utility and build your own clean and efficient energy future.
Solar energy installations in North Carolina. Certified Tesla Powerwall Installer. 3,000+ happy solar & battery customers.
Turn-key commercial solar power solutions for businesses and non-profits in North Carolina and South Carolina.
HERS ratings, code testing, green program certification, and zero energy consulting for builders in NC and SC.
Building performance inspections, green certifications, and incentive guidance for multifamily developers across the US.
Discover. Talk to our solar educators to learn about solar power. Fill out a free solar quote request form to get started.
Design. Work with one of our solar designers to customize a system that meets your home and family’s energy goals.
Save. Enjoy 30+ years of sunny savings — Save the world, save your wallet, save the future!
Evaluate. Schedule a discovery meeting to review your energy use and answer your solar questions.
Design. Our experts create a customized a solar energy plan that takes advantage of tax and utility incentives to maximize your savings.
Relax. Once your system is designed, our teams jump into action to make your solar vision a reality. We provide everything from design & engineering to grant writing & financial partnership to make investing in solar as easy as possible.
Plan. Schedule a one-on-one meeting with our team to review your goals and challenges. Our team of building science experts crafts a custom home performance plan to meet your needs, and you decide when to get started.
Train.We onboard your trades and our building performance techs inspect your homes within 48 hours of a schedule request.
Analyze. We continue to add value to your team with data reporting, sales training, and marketing support.
Evaluate. Schedule a meeting to review your next project.
Customize. We’ll build a custom plan based on your goals and timeline.
Sit Back. We’ll handle everything from there — from educating your subs, to paperwork and leasing staff training.
Reach out to our project teams to share your goals and learn more!
North Carolina’s solar power and building performance expert. Founded in 2001, we’ve worked for 20+ years to improve the way people make and use energy.