Learn How Much You Can Save

Home Solar Power

How much does solar cost? Is solar worth it for you? Learn how much you can save with a free solar evaluation.

North Carolina's Local Solar Company

Southern Energy Management is North Carolina’s most experienced home solar installer. With 20+ years of experience installing solar for homes across the state, we have the team and knowledge-base to identify the best solar solution for any home. 

Powerful Solar Savings

Generating your own solar energy means buying less from the utility. Plus, because you’re generating your own power, you’ll be protected from rising utility rates. Most homeowners see savings of 50-80% on their power bills.

Great Incentives

Solar power can significantly reduce your annual tax burden. Solar systems are eligible for a 30% Federal Tax Credit, allowing you to take money you owe Uncle Sam and reinvest it back into your home.

Clean & Renewable Energy

Your solar system’s impact goes far beyond your home. Generating clean, renewable energy reduces pollution, helps fight climate change, and lowers America’s dependence on fossil fuel imports.

Get a Free Solar Evaluation!

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule a free assessment to learn more about solar power & battery storage for your home.